16 Things I Learned This Weekend (Feb. 3-5)


1. It is quite depressing when you lose an auction on eBay at the very last minute. Grrr! 2. It is thrilling to wake up to a second-chance offer email from the eBay seller that says they have one more of the item available if I still want it. (Heck yes!)

3. Parenthood is the best show on TV. Because it is on during life group and we don't have cable, we were five episodes behind, but we are almost caught up now. Seriously great acting and story lines. (Which character are you?)

4. Family naps are the best, but it's getting harder for the three of us to fit on the couch together.

5. Apparently I cry when I think about leaving my little girl at day care. And it's quite exhausting.

6. Seven inches of snow is a lot. We've been spoiled so far this winter.

7. The USPS rocks for delivering packages in snow storms.

8. Our neighbors make cool, HUGE snowmen.

9. I've been focusing so much on how I'm going to transition into motherhood that I hadn't really thought about the fact that Eric will have only one week off work to get to know our daughter and adjust to the new normal. It will be an interesting transition for both of us. We had a good discussion about it, though, and we need to keep talking about our fears and desires, and how it will affect our marriage and daily lives, especially our morning routine.

10. BangBang is delicious. But a little too expensive for a normal Williams date night.

11. Eric's birthday is only one month away. Wow.

12. You can't taste spinach in a smoothie.

13. The ability to watch church online is nice when you're eight months pregnant, too tired to shower and the weather sucks.

14. It is more fun to do a baby's laundry than my own.

15. Chips and queso is my greatest weakness.

16. This is really happening.

Did you watch the Super Bowl? I actually really enjoyed it. What was your favorite commercial?