Awkward and Awesome: Pregnancy Edition

If you ask me, being pregnant is both awkward and awesome.


5. Eric asking me how I want to tell my parents the news, and in my haze of morning sickness I said, I think I'll just throw up all over them and then they'll just know. {Luckily, we came up with a better plan.}

4. Washing your hands after going to the bathroom and being pretty sure you already have to go again. {I had no idea this side effect kicked in so early!}

3. Realizing our kid could very likely be born on Leap Day. {I don't know about you, but I like having my birthday every year.}

2. Thinking I was going to die from a stomachache at a restaurant on vacation and laying down in a nearby booth (all while trying to keep it a secret from my extended family that I was pregnant). {Thanks, dad, for snapping this attractive photo and the text that accompanied it: "Not so snappy. Very casual."}

1. When the checkout girl at Walgreens asked me if I wanted the pregnancy test I was buying to be positive or negative. Excuse me?! I don't even know you!


8. Finally being able to join the clean-plate club. (Thanks, babe, for helping me put an end to years and years of not being able to finish my meal.)

7. Seeing our baby have hiccups during the ultrasound. It was seriously so cute!

6. Eric carrying me to bed at 8:45 p.m. because I was just too tired to watch another episode of LOST.

5. Eric laying his head on my belly because he really thought he would be able to hear the baby's heart beat. I had the biggest smile on my face.

4. Eric randomly reaching over to touch my belly when we're driving or laying in bed. I love it when the three of us get to hang out together.

3. Waking up at 6 a.m. to sunshine and breakfast from my sweet hubby.

2. Seeing Eric light up like a Christmas tree when we heard the baby's heart beat.

1. Hearing Eric pray for wisdom on dealing with me during pregnancy. {It's been a journey for us both...more to come on that later!}