Prayer Requests

Our heavenly Father wants us to talk to Him. In the simplest form, that's what prayer is. It doesn't have to be super fancy, and we shouldn't hesitate to bring our worries to God. Kelsey and I pray almost every night as part of our bedtime routine, and we try not to be too harsh when grading each others prayers. You've probably heard the old saying, "The couple that prays together, stays together." I couldn't find that anywhere in the Bible, but I like it. Tuesday night at our life group, we were sharing our favorite Bible verses, and there was one passage shared by a friend that has comforted me over the years:

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

And as we were thinking about the great community fellowship we have within our life group, we thought about the great community we have here on Words of Williams. So we wanted to share with you some of the things we have been praying for lately and our hope is that you would pray for us. On the flip side, we think it would be the bees knees if you told us what you've been praying for. We'll then pray for you!

We'll just start this thing up and see where God takes us. Your comments will serve as prayer requests and we can all be praying for each other. Thank God for the Internet--can I get a digital amen?!!

Our prayers (in no particular order):

  • Healthy baby. That it would be growing in mind, body and spirit.
  • Healthy momma. That Kelsey's body would adapt to a growing baby and remain healthy. For a smooth delivery.
  • The sale of our house. We would love to move on and get settled before baby W comes in March.
  • That God stays the center of our marriage.
  • Always thanking God for the blessings he has given us. We have way more than we deserve and pray that we would be good stewards of the blessings that we do have.
  • Close friends who are dealing with an unexpected loss.

Your turn! Leave a comment below with a prayer request and we, and hopefully all of the other readers, will be praying for you!


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