It's Been Awhile

Birthdays, nesting for a baby due in June, basement projects, a trip to Chicago to visit a friend, and a new job… that’s what I've been up to since my last post on March 5, 2015. I haven’t gone that long without publishing a blog post since 2011. It’s crazy to think about, but here I am at another transition point. This past year has been quite an adventure for our family. Of course, in His infinite wisdom and sovereign timing, God has provided for us every step of the way. As the journey takes a turn in the months and years to come, I can be certain that I've learned to lean on him with my every need and concern.

Here’s the story...

If you've been around since the beginning, you know that this site started as a personal blog. Then, for a couple years, Kelsey and I were both posting here about personal finance and lifestyle. Last year in April, Kelsey decided to concentrate on her own lifestyle site, Snappy Casual, and I continued to post here about personal finances. Sharing our story seemed to strike a chord with others and last June I decided to take a step of faith, follow my passion and become a Dave Ramsey-trained financial coach. In August, I quit my full-time job to pursue financial coaching to help others with their finances. Along the way I met a slew of amazing people (including many blog readers), challenges, and thoughts of “what in the world am I doing?”, while trusting that God had me where I was for a reason.

Over the past six months, I've worked part-time jobs to help support my coaching income, including stocking the shelves at Costco from 5:00-10:00 am and, most recently, assisting a financial planner I met through my church. After about a dozen crazy, only-God-could-orchestrate-that moments, I recently accepted a job offer from AO Wealth Advisory (where I've been working part-time since February) and will be started full-time June 1 as an Associate Financial Planner. I'm excited to be able to support my family while doing what I love full-time - helping other families with their money.

What this means for financial coaching

I am still able to take on financial coaching clients, but all work must be booked through AO Wealth Advisory. Advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp., an SEC registered advisory firm.

What this means for Words of Williams

As I've done the past couple months, I'll be taking a step back from blogging. While I still want to help as many people as possible, I am excited to pour into my new career and my family. I will soon begin taking classes to earn licenses to further my value with AO Wealth Advisory, and with another kid joining our family soon, postings will be more sporadic. To keep up with our family adventures, check out Snappy Casual. I love how Kelsey's documenting our family life.

The content that's currently on the site will remain here to help those who need it. Don’t hesitate to email me with questions or contact AO Wealth Advisory if you need financial planning assistance.