A Day in the Life...of a Working Mom

I thought it would be fun to document what my days are like as a working mom of a 1-year-old (so weird to say that!). Here's a play-by-play of our fairly typical day yesterday. See also: A Day in the Life...of a New Mom from (almost) one year ago. Things are a lot different now!

Monday, March 25, 2013

6:20  Eric wakes me up with three kisses. He's been up for over an hour already and is ready for the day. He tells me we got some snow overnight and his run will have to wait til after work. He leaves for work and I go back to snoozing.

6:30  I wake up slowly, read the Parenting by Design daily devotional on my phone, check my personal email...and then decide it's probably time to get up.

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6:45  I take a shower, put on makeup, and blow dry and curl my hair, thankful that Roo slept long enough for me to finish my getting-ready routine.

7:20  I hear Roo start to rustle so I finish up and get dressed. My outfits are very fuss-free lately. Today it's a sweater, jeggings and flats.

7:30  Rooney is standing up and talking loudly in her crib now, so I go get her and bring her to the kitchen for breakfast. We are out of nearly everything bananas (her favorite), so today she gets O's, Little Cremes and milk. I pack my lunch while she eats.

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7:45  Roo isn't showing much interest in breakfast, so we go into her room to change her diaper and get dressed. She's wearing a hand-me-down outfit from Mylie (her cousin) today and it brings back memories.

8:00  We're both dressed and ready to go to work, but don't need to leave quite yet. This rarely happens, so I offer her more to eat and we play together on the floor. Her favorite game is taking something out of her dresser drawer and then putting it back in. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. After a bit I go out and start the minivan to let it warm up.

8:18  We get our coats on, grab my purse and are out the door.

8:38  We arrive at the church (where I work). We're a little late (I didn't anticipate the snow slowing us down so much), but no harm done. I carry Roo inside, stop by my desk and say hi to my co-workers, drop off my purse and coat, and Roo gives high fives to Shandy. Then I carry her down the hall and we check in to day care. There's only one other kid in the baby room so far. I give Miss Shannon an update on our weekend and hand her off - no fussing from Roo.

8:45  I go back to my desk, turn on my computer and start to work. Today I'm editing the Easter bulletin for one of our satellite locations and a spring events/classes catalog for another satellite. I eat my breakfast (celery and SunButter) as I work, catching up with other co-workers as they arrive.

12:30  Time for a break. I head out to the grocery store and pick up what we need for the week. I love that my job is located near our grocery store (and lots of other places) so I can easily run errands. It's been a blessing for our family that I'm able to do this during the workday. Nothing on our list needs to be refrigerated so today I just leave it all in the van. We live close enough that I could run it home before going back to work, but because there's no need I instead zip over to Subway to get a gift card for a friend who just had twins.

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1:10  Back to work. I eat my lunch (carrots/dip, saltines and water -- remember how we didn't have many groceries?) and continue to work.

2:28  I decide to see what Roo is up to.

2:29  The lights are off at day care. Hopefully that means Roo is having a good nap. I refill my water cup. Back to work.

2:57  I go check on Roo again. She's up and eating her afternoon snack: O's, clementines and milk. I love hearing what she's been up to that day. The bigs news is that she loves clementines and has had a couple already today! I hang out for 10 minutes and then go back to work.

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4:22  I finish up my work and shut down my computer for the day, pick up Rooney from day care, bundle up (it's 34° today), and walk us out to the van.

4:34  We have a standing chiropractic appointment on Mondays. Eric meets us there for our 4:45 appointment and we all get adjusted.

5:09  We get home. This is my least favorite time of day. We're all just getting home and we're tired and cranky. Eric carries the groceries in and we put them away. I am hungry so I start dinner (which is not normal...usually Roo is in bed before we get it started) and Roo is fussing so she gets in her high chair for dinner. She is having a banana, ground beef with corn and peas, milk and her leftover breakfast items. Eric washes the dishes.

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5:35  Rooney is done eating so Eric takes her into her room for a diaper change and pajamas while I continue making dinner. He gives her teething tablets (we've seen a couple teeth pop through recently and then go back down) and offers her more milk.

5:45  It's a little earlier than we like to put her down (although not entirely unusual) but Rooney clearly wants to go to bed. I join them in her room for prayer, hugs and kisses. She goes down without a sound.

5:55  Supper's done, so Eric and I eat on the couch while we watch the news. I catch up with Twitter on my phone through Wheel of Fortune, and then the TV goes off. (Truth: I wanted to watch DWTS, but our antenna was acting up and it wasn't coming through for some reason.)

7:00  I work on this blog post and catch up on emails. Eric's blogging next to me. It's been quiet on the blog lately and we want to change that. We get four posts scheduled for this week. We log some receipts and read some blogs. There's Christian music playing in the background.

9:25  We get in bed, resting up so we can do it all again tomorrow! Only one more day until Wednesday!